Resume – 10 Pointers to improve your chances of getting shortlisted and selected

I have often seen candidates sending Resume’s without giving a thought, or without any help, its not their fault as they havent ever received any trainings or guidance. So as a recruiter I thought why not to make a blog so that it can help candidates and bring some light.

below there are some pointers if you go through, it will help you present your Resume well.

1) Whenever you forward your resume to the Consultancy/ Recruitment agency – send it in the word file, never send it in PDF, as this may increase the work of the recruiter, if they want to edit any information, they may do it quickly in word rather than in PDF.

2) Whenever you Save your Resume as a file in computer save it as First Name_Last Name_Location. (Example – Sharad_Goel_Delhi)

3) Always send a cover letter or a text when forwarding your resume via email or whatsapp. Saves time, Energy and shows you are easy to work with.

4) In Cover Letter or text that you are forwarding always mention

Your Current CTC :
Your Expected CTC :
Your Notice period : O days to 3 months
Flexible Shift timins: Day Shift, Rotational, Night Shifts

5) Attach your current passport size photograph

6) Keep your Resume Format very simple, there is no need to make it fancy until and unless you belong to some creative and arts related industry or you understand creativity and colors.

7) Companies wants to see how you are usefulto them – Please mention all the softwares that you have used in life.

8) CHATgpt is new google, you must know it – Go and signup and learn it asap.

9) Make your profile on linkedin also and add the link of your Linkedin profile in your Resume

10) if you are desperate for a job, dont keep jumping to give interview, first grab a link to the website of the company – to know about the company, what industry and what products they deal in to.

11) I have seen many candidates just mention that they have studied in or B.A program, but they forget to mention the years, they dont mention which univerisity or college. Please always mention dates

12) Do mention your daily job duties at work. So for example if you work in Sales. – Please mention steps like

  1. Team Meeting
  2. Arranging Call Leads
  3. Making Cold Calls
  4. Converting them into sales
  5. Daily Reporting via Excel
  6. Day end meet discussing Targets


Sharad Goel
(Open for your comments and feedback if any – would surely like to learn from you and want to know your challenges)

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